Skyseeker style feat
Skyseeker style feat

skyseeker style feat

This is very evident during battles as she is prone to making dramatic entrances, striking various poses, and delivering high pitched battle cries at varied moments. In tandem with her lively spirit, Sonyu is very playful, having fun any way possible and being sure to express it as much as she can.

skyseeker style feat

Sonyu takes most situations in stride and rarely gets genuinely angry or upset, choosing to smile and move on rather than sulk in defeat. Sonyu displays an outgoing and positive demeanor that is only surpassed by her near boundless energy and excitable disposition, much of which is presented by her go-getter attitude. Sonyu is easily characterized by her bubbly and exuberant attitude which is usually accompanied by a cheeky grin. Though she gained the power to invoke the change she eagerly wanted, much of Sonyu’s demeanor did not change as a result of her new strength instead various facets of her personality were brought to the forefront, allowing her to express herself to the fullest. So long as her people were safe and her village wasn’t in true danger, Sonyu remained hopeful that the situation would eventually change. Personality: Although much of her childhood was spent under the constant threat and control of the Fengbao bandits, Sonyu has managed to retain a high spirited and cheerful disposition.

skyseeker style feat

“Why should I show up to a fight all serious? Sometimes a smile is all someone needs to know their safe!”- Sonyu Enjoys peach topped grass jelly and tangyuan as a dessert. Favorite Meal: Ginger sprinkled Liangpi with fried tofu, steamed vegetable buns, and oolong tea.

Skyseeker style feat